WP Suspension

WP stands for uncompromising performance and racing-driven technology – right from the start.

The company’s history stretches back to the 1970s. To a time when even world championships were often still dominated by passionate amateur sports.

This was also the case for Wim Peters, a passionate motocross rider – until a serious crash in 1975, when he was just 25 years old, forced him off the track for some time. Putting his legs up, relax and recover – no chance. What most would have seen as a setback, he recognizes as an opportunity: in the 15 months Peters needed to recover from his injuries, he develops the foundation for his success.

Always on the lookout for the best technology for his motorcycle, he decides to design his own motorcycle suspension. In doing so, he hits a nerve, as other motocross riders are also dissatisfied with the current technology. After Gerrit Wolsink, notorious as “the Flying Dentist,” gets the opportunity to test Peter’s suspension, it becomes clear that the technology is miles ahead of the competition. And so the insider tip turns into a flood of demand. Peters founds WP – and gives the success story a name.